Railroad workers play a pivotal role in keeping our nation's railways safe and efficient. However, the nature of their work may expose them to unlawful situations or problematic issues with their employers. To ensure the integrity of the railroad industry, qui tam...
Norfolk Southern joins anonymous federal reporting system
Norfolk Southern now allows employees to report safety concerns anonymously. It is the first of the six major freight railroads to permit whistleblowing without the fear of disciplinary action. This initiative marks a step toward fulfilling the company's promises...
How to prove negligence as a railroad worker
Working on the railroad is a demanding and sometimes perilous job. When accidents happen, it is important for railroad workers to understand how they can prove negligence on the part of their employers or colleagues. When it comes to compensation for injuries and...
Legal options for railroad worker head injuries
Railroad work is crucial for keeping our nation's transportation system moving. However, it often involves risks that can lead to severe injuries. It is important to understand the Federal Employers' Liability Act if you sustain a head injury while doing railroad...
5 common railroad worker injuries
Railroad workers face many occupational hazards in their day-to-day activities, making them susceptible to various injuries. The Federal Employers' Liability Act exists to ensure railroads cover the cost of damages workers sustain due to negligence. The National...
Rail line workers face devastating hazards
As a railway worker, you deal with an environment full of potential hazards each day you show up for work. Heavy machinery, high voltages and massive locomotives create a unique set of dangers. The risks are always there but understanding them can help you take...
How to cope with hearing loss as a railroad worker
High levels of noise can wreak havoc on your hearing. Across all industries, loud noise is a problem, but railroad workers are among the working population highly susceptible to hearing loss. Hearing loss affects not only your job performance but also your quality of...
TIH chemical exposure puts railroad workers at risk
Toxic inhalation hazard (TIH) chemicals are raw substances often transported through railroads for various industries, including mining, manufacturing, agriculture and pharmaceuticals. These chemicals could have toxic fumes, such as chlorine gas and anhydrous ammonia....
It can be challenging to seek compensation for preventable railroad injuries
In recent years, new business models have made railroad companies even more profit-driven. According to employees and their advocates, railroads are trying to support their bottom-line partly by cutting back on staffing, training, inspections and equipment maintenance...
Asbestos exposure continues to threaten railroad workers
Asbestos is a natural silicate mineral used in various commercial and industrial products because of its incredible resistance to both heat and corrosion. The government has since restricted its usage after the discovery of its harmful effects on the human body....