The Rail Whistleblower Library
- Summary of Rail Whistleblower Rights
- FRSA’s Special Legal Standards
- FRSA Statute
- FRSA Regulations
- OSHA’s Final Rule for Handling FRSA Complaints
- OSHA Whistleblower Directorate
- OSHA FRSA Complaints
- FRSA Statute of Limitations
- Subsection (a)(1): Reporting Violations of Federal Safety Regs or Waste of Funds
- Subsection (a)(2): Refusal to Violate Federal Safety Regulations
- Subsection (a)(3): FRSA Complaints and Testimony
- Subsection (a)(4): Injury Reports
- Subsection (a)(7): Accurately Reporting Hours of Service
- Subsection (b): Reporting Hazardous Safety Conditions
- Subsection (c): Medical Treatment
- Subsection (e): FRSA Remedies
- Subsection (f): FRSA Election of Remedies
- Subsection (H): No Waiver of Rights and Remedies
- FRSA Punitive Damages
- FRSA Releases
- FRSA Attorney Fees
- Office of Administrative Law Judges
- Administrative Review Board Appeals
- Subsection (d)(3): U.S. District Court Proceedings
- Other Transportation Related Whistleblower Protection Statutes
- Other Rail Whistleblower Resources