When employees, contractors or subcontractors of a public transportation agency in New York or any other state decide to report unlawful action by their employer, they are protected by provisions of the National Transit Systems Security Act, or NTSSA. This law states...
New Jersey law could help injured workers
Many New York City workers who live in New Jersey commute to their jobs through public transportation. However, they may not know that if a transportation worker gets hurt, it may be difficult for that person to file a lawsuit against his or her employer. This is...
What you need to know about whistleblower rights
Railroad workers do a dangerous job. Fortunately, organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) have set up regulations to make the industry safer.Whistleblowers play an important role in...
Proving liability in a FELA claim after an accident
Railroad workers across Connecticut and the U.S. are exposed to continual hazards and dangers every day. When you suffer a serious injury at work, the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) provides you with the opportunity to collect compensation while you recover....