When you work on the railroad, you need to know that you are protected against retaliation by the Federal Rail Safety Act (FRSA). This act prohibits all railroad employers from retaliating against any workers who participate in protected activities. Those who do...
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5 tips that can help keep a FELA claim on track
Working on a railroad is inherently dangerous. No matter how safety conscious you are, you can still end up hurt. Unfortunately, obtaining benefits and compensation under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) isn’t always easy. Unlike workers’ compensation, you...
Is a railroad’s negligence leads to your injuries, you could have a claim
The Federal Employers Liability Act first came to be in 1908. Its goal was to protect and compensate those who were hurt while working for the railroad. To be able to seek compensation through a FELA claim, the worker does need to prove that the railroad was partially...