If you drive commercial motor vehicles (CMVs) for the railroads for a living, your job may have become more dangerous. Last year the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) relaxed limits on drivers' hours of service (HOS) regulations for those truckers...
Why should you pursue compensation after a railroad accident?
Working on a railroad often requires strength, endurance and caution. But even when you’re following protocol, accidents can still happen. Luckily, the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) protects you in the event of a workplace injury caused by your...
Key differences between FELA and workers’ compensation
In America, most workers are covered by workers’ compensation, ensuring they won’t be left empty-handed should they become injured while on the clock. Of course, this isn’t the case for railroad workers. Instead of workers’ comp, they can seek...
Why railroad workers should be aware of qui tam actions
The federal government wants to know if people or businesses are defrauding it, and therefore defrauding taxpayers. The government is even willing to offer a monetary reward to workers who help uncover such behavior.A qui tam action under the False Claims Act is a way...
What you need to know about whistleblower rights
Railroad workers do a dangerous job. Fortunately, organizations such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) have set up regulations to make the industry safer.Whistleblowers play an important role in...
Proving liability in a FELA claim after an accident
Railroad workers across Connecticut and the U.S. are exposed to continual hazards and dangers every day. When you suffer a serious injury at work, the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) provides you with the opportunity to collect compensation while you recover....
FRA pulls proposed rule regulating minimum size of train crews
The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) recently withdrew a proposed rule from 2016 requiring at least two crew members on trains. The agency also barred states from requiring a minimum number of crew members on each train.Officials originally hoped to improve...
Remain aware during the safety improvement process
People make mistakes, to be sure. In many cases, the repercussions of those errors are minimal. However, oversight becomes a tremendous problem when it potentially includes multiple lives. Such is the case for the Long Island Rail Road’s (LIRR) installation of...
2 things to do after a railroad injury
Railroad employees work in hazardous conditions all of the time, which makes them prone to sustaining injuries while on the job. Because of this, the government created the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) to make sure workers injured while working on the...
What qualifies as a false claim under the False Claims Act?
The False Claims Act (FCA) encourages citizens to confidentially report dishonest use of governmental money and imposes consequences on those who committed the fraud. The whistleblower is protected and typically receives a share of the recovered money. However, FCA...