As a railway worker, you deal with an environment full of potential hazards each day you show up for work. Heavy machinery, high voltages and massive locomotives create a unique set of dangers. The risks are always there but understanding them can help you take...
How to cope with hearing loss as a railroad worker
High levels of noise can wreak havoc on your hearing. Across all industries, loud noise is a problem, but railroad workers are among the working population highly susceptible to hearing loss. Hearing loss affects not only your job performance but also your quality of...
How to appeal a whistleblower complaint denial
As a railroad worker, you have a right to file a report against your company if you witness practices that could pose a danger to yourself, your colleagues or society. Railroad accidents have devastating consequences, but sometimes, a whistleblower may have his or her...
What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?
Railroad workers have a long history of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that is a fire retardant and insulation. Unfortunately, asbestos also led to mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer. To receive timely medical intervention and to report...