As a railway worker, there is something that you may need to be cautious of. On some trains, hazardous materials could be taken from one place to another. Unfortunately, if there is a leak or you are exposed, you could be injured.
It is important that all workers have the appropriate safety training to know what to do if there are hazardous materials present. They should also be informed on how to handle hazardous material exposure in their eyes or on their bodies. For example, a biological spill on the body may need to be treated by removing contaminated clothing, washing the exposed area with soap and water, placing the clothing in a biohazard bag and seeking medical support.
In the eyes, there should be an immediate call to the emergency services as well as flushing of the eyes for at least 15 minutes with cool water. The incident should always be reported.
Since you work on the railroad, you probably have received at least some training on dealing with hazardous chemical spills. If the train derails and spills radioactive material or biological hazards, then there is a potential not only for you to be hurt but also for the people around the spill to be injured.
With radioactive spills, it’s essential to move people away from the spill but to confine movement to a single area to check people who may have been exposed. Additionally, all contaminated clothing needs to be removed, and those who were exposed should shower thoroughly. Medical attention may be needed.
It’s hoped that the safety precautions you use will be enough to prevent any kind of significant spill or exposure from happening. If not, and if you are caught up in a spill with a hazard, whether biological, radioactive or chemical, you need to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Following this, you may be able to seek compensation from your employer for the exposure that you had to deal with. The railway has unique compensation requirements that your attorney can go over with you if you decide that you’d like to file for compensation after exposure.