The Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA) protects and compensates railroad workers injured on the job. Before its enactment in 1908, there was little to no remedy for railroad workers injured in the line of duty. However, that is no longer the case, and if you suffer workplace injuries as an employee of a railroad company, you may have legal recourse.
Common injuries that form the bulk of FELA claims include:
- Back injuries
- Amputation
- Trauma injuries
- Exposure to hazardous materials
- Repetitive stress injuries
- Internal organ injuries
- Wrongful death, among others
What you need to know about the value of your case
The value of your lawsuit will depend on the unique circumstances surrounding your case. Generally, the value of your case will depend on the extent of damages you have suffered due to your injuries. Factors like your medical costs, any after-care services you may need and the loss of your income will be taken into account.
In addition, other effects of your injuries that cannot be economically quantified, such as the emotional and mental anguish caused by your injuries, will likely weigh in on the final figure. Finally, keep in mind that FELA does not have a damage cap.
Take action before it is too late
You have three years from when you suffered your injuries to take legal action. If you wait any longer, your case may be time-barred and dismissed, although certain exceptions exist. They may include a late discovery of your injuries resulting from being exposed to asbestos in your former workplace. In such a case, the clock may start ticking when you discover the said injuries.
All in all, it is necessary to safeguard your rights as a railroad worker. Various laws exist to look after your interests, and it may be worthwhile to be aware of them, just in case of any eventualities.